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Friday, July 31, 2009

“I can do all things through Christ Jesus who Strengthen me”

If you dont make it on the 1st try, dont worry take a break drink some water and do it again what just happen is you just got a little closer to that star a little closer to that mark and once you get there, You will look back and say; I don't know how i made it, then a warm feeling will come and he will say: It was i who help you.

Now you just don't understand why. I am not a saved Man, Just a Man who believe in the power of the Lord. It was He who saved me from total destruction and this is what give me the strenth to keep going, keep moving,Keep Praying.

Never give up, Never stop praying and always give thanks. Pratice this in all you do, it works best before you fall. for now I rest but you can bet your last dollar that I'll keep going to I reach my mark. You too can do the same, Just dont give up its to soon you still have a lot of fight in you just put your mind in gear before starting your actions. Now get to the next level.